1. All Social gathering including weddings, naming ceremonies are advised to be suspended, if not, attendance should be restricted to members of the immediate family of not more than 20 people. The security personnel are hereby directed to monitor the activities of the residents to ensure strict adherence.

2. Motor parks in the state are advised to be collapsed to only one in each Local Government Area, including Lafia, the state capital. In this regard, manifest must be maintained in all the parks.

3. Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) are directed to provide hand sanitizers and face masks in their respective offices.

4. Appropriate retired Nurses who are still strong are to be recruited to run the facilities for the centre of COVID-19 Virus and provided necessary training and kits.

5. To visit isolations centres in the Federal Medical Centre, Keffi, Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, Lafia, Medical Centre Mararaban-Gurku, Doma, Akwanga and Awe to inspect facilities and readiness.

6. Construction of strategic reserve to ensure food security as a matter of urgency. Food stuff to be procured and stored for distribution to the people when the need arises (Maize, Beans, Rice, Millet, etc).

7. Rehabilitation of ten (10) moribund boreholes in each local government area in the interim to ensure supply of clean water.

8. Anybody seen on the street begging should be arrested by the security agents.

9. Worship centres such as Mosques and Churches are advised to remain closed until further notice.

10. Government to cut down cost of governance by 60% with effect from April, 2020.

11. Markets are to be closed except those selling food items and Pharmaceutical shops to cater for the aged and the ill ones.

12. Task Force Committees are to be established at the Local Government levels to be supervised by the Local Government Chairmen which is expected to replicate what the State Committee is doing. This will also extend to the Ward levels.

The Taskforce would be chaired by Deputy Governor, a renowned medical Doctor, Dr Emmanuel Agwado Akabe while that of Local Government will be supervised by Council Chairmen.


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