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Information, Culture & Toursim


Function Of The Ministry:

  1. Advising on the formulation of policies and creating an enabling environment for the hospitality and tourism industry
  2. Implementing Government policies and programmes as regards culture and Tourism.
  3. Identifying the cultural treasures of the State
  4. Preserving the abundant cultural potentials of the state and promoting same.
  5. Identify , preserving, protecting and promoting all tourism attraction for the development of the state.
  6. Preservation of the rich cultural heritage of the state.
  7. Identifying viable tourism destinations/site.
  8. Provision and improvement of tourist facilities.
  9. Researching into the Tourism and hospitality potential of the state.
  10. Consultations and cooperation with appropriate Federal and Local Government Agencies on ways of improving  tourism 
  11. Coordinating inter-department/state planning of Tourism
  12. Coordination activities on National and state tourism plans.
  13. Coordinating cultural development throughout the state .
  14. Development of tourist identified in order to create employment and revenue  generation for  the state.
  15. Maintenance and management of parks, games reserves, gardens and zoo.
  16. Maintenance and management of Hotels
  17. Informing, educating and enlightening the citizens on government policies, programmes and activities. In doing this , it uses the print and electronic media that exist in the state;
  18. Public enlightenment by use of films show and other audio visual aids;
  19. Design and production of the state Almanac and Diaries (Annually)
  20. Collection and collation of information on government activities;
  21. Carry out publications on government policies as may be required;
  22. Coverage of video and pictorial forms , Government activities and programmes in the State;
  23. Production of official gazettes , laws passed by the state House of Assembly as well as other classified government documents through the Government Printer.
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